catfish swims into east falls
After creating two bike racks for the NKCDC, I fell in love with the concept of creating this kind of function art. I started to seek out other areas that might want an artrack. At this time, The East Falls Development Corporation (EFDC), in Philadelphia, PA sent out a call to artists to create several eco-art fish to install through out the area. This made me immediately think BIKERACK! I called straight away to see if a bike rack would fit into the criteria of the project. They loved the idea so I started plugging away to get a proposal together for them.
Catfish bikerack proposal: to create a linear sculpture that incorporates a variety of scrap metal pieces, including farm equipment, pipe and rebar.
Like all of my work, Catfish is about creating a fluid movement with lines that directs your eye around the sculpture. My goal is to not only to be a source of function but my hope is that I might show people, children especially to recycle. I also secretly dream that catfish will entice the people of East Falls to ride their bikes to work or to the park so that they can use something that I made just for them. I envision kids chaining their bikes and climbing on him. (please don’t fall, ok? i only want happy smiling people around catfish.) I love the idea of beauty found in the mundane concept of a bike rack.
What a wonderful, creative design and I really love the idea of using “found” items as material for the art work! Keep up the good work, Sandy!