the second time around..
Sinatra plays loudly through my speakers, breaking the silence in between the noise of my shop as I work. I have been on a steady Sinatra kick for about 3 years and holding. Sinatra, BB King or the blues of course. Today is no different except for the early and eagerly anticipated spring in the 70 degree air.
I work with my doors wide open, music playing and surrounded by my gardens and all the new growth bursting through the soil. The robins are splashing in my birdbath and the birds are chirping at the top of their lungs. I cannot help but sing Sinatra’s “The Second Time Around” all day as I make these sweet little birds. They are a new commission; a wedding gift for a friend’s father who was recently remarried. They make me laugh and smile all day as I create them. I hope they can feel this in the piece..
Love is lovelier the second time around…and to this I can relate.